#FundingFriday Forecast: 4 Future Grant Opportunities from Health and Human Services

A grant forecast is a planned or projected funding opportunity from a federal agency. The agency is giving you advance notice that an opportunity is on the way. While it is not a guarantee that a grant forecast becomes an official funding opportunity announcement (FOA), it is likely.

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Get an early start on your application planning for these grant forecasts from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

1. Research Integrity Conferences

The HHS Office of Research Integrity (ORI) announces the anticipated availability of competitive grants in FY 2017 for the planning and implementation of conferences or workshops.

The conferences or workshops must be designed to provide a forum for discussion and produce tangible outcomes related to at least one of the seven themes identified in the grant forecast.

2. Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry Career Development Award

The purpose of this Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) program is to strengthen the primary care workforce by training and supporting physicians, physician assistants, dentists, and dental hygienists who plan to teach in the primary care fields.

The goal of this specific opportunity is to provide career development awards to junior faculty to support the development of future clinician educator faculty and leaders in primary care medicine and dentistry.

3. American Indian/Alaska Native Health Equity Initiative

This opportunity supports projects that will enhance the tribes/tribal organizations capacity to carry out disease surveillance, including the interpretation and dissemination of surveillance data. In addition to building their data capacity, tribes or tribal organizations will form collaborative partnerships and alliances to improve access to quality health and human services.

4. Coordinating Center for Population-based Research to Optimize the Screening Process (PROSPR) Initiative

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to continue its support for the “Population-based Research Optimizing Screening through Personalized Regimens (PROSPR)” initiative under a current, modified name of “Population-based Research to Optimize the Screening Process”. The PROSPR Coordinating Center will be responsible for network activities involving more than one cancer type.

If you would like to find more grant forecasts, check out this other blog article—Video: How to Locate Federal Grant Forecasts on Grants.gov

4 thoughts on “#FundingFriday Forecast: 4 Future Grant Opportunities from Health and Human Services

  1. hello, good evening , i’m new at this there is tons of information out there , I was looking for some direction to go or lead me to grant (s) , for a small business owner , I have 2 of them 1 is lawn cutting , landscaping , of 10 yrs. , the other 1 is commercial cleaning , only buildings that is 6 yrs. I’ve looked at the mean page , I mite be doing it wrong but I don’t see any thing there for me ,thank you for your time.


  2. I’m looking for housing grants for elderly disabled .I’ve looked an don’t see anything. Could you help please.


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