Thank You for Your Feedback in the User Survey

Thank you, grants community, for the great response to the User Survey!

In August, we asked you for your honest opinions on a range of topics, and over 6,000 of you from the applicant and grantor communities shared your feedback.

  • 33% of applicant responses came from nonprofit organizations
  • 17% of applicant responses came from state and local governments
  • Statistically significant response rates also came from 9 other groups, which are: academic institutions, individuals, small businesses, for-profit organizations, tribal organizations, public housing authorities, research institutions, faith-based organizations, and grantors

Community Conversations, Community Blog Series

What’s Next?

Our goal is to make finding and applying for a federal grant as convenient as possible from a system perspective. Your survey input will go a long way in making that possible. We are also conducting additional interviews and case studies to gain even more insight on how we can better serve the federal grants community.

Your feedback will inform our releases in the next year, guide our transformation of into a more user-friendly system, and help us develop training resources that fill gaps and address areas of confusion.

Stay tuned to this blog so you can be among the first to hear about future enhancements to

3 thoughts on “Thank You for Your Feedback in the User Survey

  1. Hi, I am a new Applicant on, I need some Help for my community. So,I have projects for which I look for financing. Who want to help us, please?. Our social organization is called RECDICHA at Port-au-Prince in Haiti.


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