Release 16.1 Preview: Enhancements to Opportunity and Saved Search Subscriptions

With Release 16.1, will be adding an Opportunity Subscription Management feature that allows users to update their subscriptions to saved searches and funding opportunities. (Currently, once a subscription is created, there is no way to update it). This enhancement will be deployed on November 20, 2017.

Here are some of the features coming with the release:

One-Click Saves

Subscribe to Opportunity button

Logged-in users will be able to subscribe to a funding opportunity – including forecast, synopsis and package – with a single click on the View Grant Opportunity page. Also, users can save searches from the Search Grants page.

View & Manage Subscriptions

Logged-in users will be able to review subscriptions to opportunities and update saved searches at any time on the new Connect Center. Unsubscribe from selected notifications without affecting other subscriptions to opportunities and/or saved searches.

Get Updates on Specific Opportunities

Users can subscribe once to a funding opportunity and get notified of any change related to the opportunity. When a forecast or synopsis is modified or deleted, subscribers receive an email notification nightly. When a package is added, modified, or deleted, then subscribers receive an email notification immediately. (In some cases, grantors have the ability to suppress notification emails.)

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2 thoughts on “Release 16.1 Preview: Enhancements to Opportunity and Saved Search Subscriptions

  1. Dear Sir Madam: my name is Brian Cluchey i am currently on disability living in potosi housing ,having such a hard time getting by i have taken out loans, maxed out my credit cards trying to get a buisiness that benifits my community off the ground and up and running, i can do no more due to lack of funds ive had to put the company on hold can you help me, point me in the right direction, tell me how to apply for what i may need ,i dont need a lot seeing how i already got most of the big stuff paid so hopfully i can get some help .Thank you so very much .sincerly brian.


    1. Hi Brian, please go to and complete the Benefits Finder tool to see if you are eligible for federal financial assistance. You should also check with your state and local governments to see if they have additional assistance programs.


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